Liquid Chromatography Digital Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Product Code : JA-PE-6636
Jaincolab is a leading Liquid Chromatography Digital Manufacturer,and suppliers in India
Liquid Chromatography Digital
- Ultra speed data processing by Network HPLC.
- Designed for all you need in the lab.
- Enhanced superior performance.
- Versatile dedicated applications.
- Accurate and reliable data.
- Stylish and compact design.
Quaternary Pump:
- Operating principle: Parallel dual-plunger pump, Low-pressure gradient.
- Number of Solvent: up to 4 solvents.
- Gradient formation: 4-channel mixing valve.
- Composition Precision: < 0.1%.
- Composition Accuracy: < 0.5%.
Binary Pump:
- Operating principle: Double parallel dual-plunger pump,
High-pressure gradient.
- Configure with Gradient pump.
Vacuum Degasser:
- Number of channel: 4 channels.
- Maximum flow rate: 10ml/min per channel 0~2.0ml/min per channel for 70% Gas Removed from Methanol.
- Internal volume per channel: 925 ul per channel.
- Materials in contact with solvent.
- Teflon AF, PEEK and Glass-filled PTEE.
Column Compartment:
- Temperature range: 4°C(Cooling) - 90°C
- Temperature stability: ± 0.05°C
- Temperature accuracy: ±0.5°C
- Column capacity: Max. 3 ea of 30 cm column(Analytical)
- Max. 2 ea of 30 cm column(Semi-Prep)
UV/Vis Detector:
- Wavelength Range: 190~900nm (Dual wavelength)
- Data collection rate: up to 50Hz
- Noise level: < ±0.5 × 10-5 AU ,254nm,dry cell
- Drift: < 1 × 10-4 AU/hr
- Linearity: > 99.5% for 2.5AU(acetone,254nm
PDA Detector:
- No. of PDA Channel:1024
- Wavelength: 190 ~ 950nm
- Noise Level: 2 × 10-5 AU(Empty Cell,1 sec Rise Time,254nm)
- Drift: 2 × 10-4 AU/hr(Baseline Correction), 0.001AU/hr(Room Temp)
- Wavelenth Accuracy: 1nm (HY-1 Holmium Oxide Filter)
RI Detector:
- RI Range: 1.00~1.75 RIU
- Noise: ≤ 5 × 10-9 RIU (Analytical) / ≤ 10 × 10-8 RIU (Semi-prep)
- Flow Cell Volume: 9 ul (Analytical) / 7 ul (Semi-prep)